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by Johannes Beckmann


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A few words about me

Who I am

I am a web developer, designer, foodie, blockchain enthusiast, and mushroom lover with a passion for creating products that make a positive impact on real life.

Things I like to be engaged in

What I do


When it comes to product development, I love conceptualizing, prototyping, and testing new ideas to bring them to market.


In the realm of tech, I am fascinated by emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, and enjoy exploring their potential applications.


As for design, I see it as a way to solve problems and communicate ideas visually, and am always seeking to improve my skills in areas such as user experience design and branding.

A peek into my work


These are a few projects I have worked on or am still working on. You are also welcome to check out my GitHub account.

Products I like to work with


This is a small selection of projects that make my life easier and that I like to use to speed up my workflow.

Any questions, thoughts or comments?

Feel free to Contact me

Have we got shared interests? I am always happy to exchange ideas on various topics. Do not hesitate to message me on social media and I will try to answer as soon as possible.

Project Content.


Shopping list1

Drag and Drop Calendar2



The focus of the project is to create an easy path to individual nutrition. Users should be able to easily save and share their favorite recipes. Through an intuitive drag and drop planner, a shopping list can be quickly created and shared through Whatsapp. Last but not least, the selection of recipes shall be facilitated by various tools.

The basis of the project is a Next.js app connected to a Firebase backend. This performs functions like database, authentication and cloud functions like querying the API. Meilisearch was used for full text search and twilio for communication to mobile numbers. The frontend is based on reactstrap and uses a template from Creative-Tim.

Project Content.


Recipe Upload1

Fuzzy Search2


Settings and Contributions4

The focus of the project is to create a simple foodblogging network. Users should be able to easily save and share their favorite recipes.

The basis of the project is a Express app leveraging ejs for template rendering connected to a MongoDB cluster.

Project Content.


Palette list1

Palette view2

Adding palette3

Palette naming4

The project is intended to provide an easy way to create and save/use favorite color palettes.

For this, a React front-end in conjunction with Material UI that loads a seed file and caches changes locally was developed.

Project Content.



Admin panel2

Catalog and Cart3

Product Creation4

The goal of the project is to demonstrate component based rendering in JavaScript and the basics of cryptography. To do this, it models the basic functions of an e-commerce store. Users should be able to view products and add or remove them from the shopping cart. Administrators should be able to register, log in and manage the product catalog.

The project is entirely in JavaScript and uses Express.js as a foundation. The data for the entities is stored and queried locally in JSON format. The HTML components are rendered dynamically via JavaScript. The authentication uses the "crypto" library and hashed it and uses a salt.


Movie Fighter

The goal of the project was to demonstrate working with an external API and testing functionality.


The app searches two movies and compares them with respect to various parameters..

To achieve this, there are two input fields which autocomplete the search query with a delay and display the possible search results in a dropdown menu. For this purpose a GET request is sent to the omDb API. When two movies are selected, different ratings, awards and box office revenues are compared.

It consists of plain Javascript, HTML and a CSS boilerplate..


This project was created to celebrate the mother of us all, the fungi.


As part of my portfolio, I designed an AI-powered mushroom art store on Shopify. The store features a unique collection of mushroom-themed art pieces, including prints, posters, and canvases, all created using AI technology. The AI system generates artwork based on specific themes, colors, and styles, resulting in a diverse and visually stunning collection. All art pieces are available on a print-on-demand basis, allowing for maximum flexibility and customization..